In partnership with Lloyd’s finest underwriters

Quite simply, we support excellence at Lloyd’s.

We build long-term partnerships with first-class underwriters with portfolios that consistently outperform their peers across the cycle. These focus on the Specialty, Casualty, Property, and Reinsurance classes.

We take a highly disciplined approach to partner selection, applying quantitative and qualitative factors aligned with portfolio optimisation parameters during our selection process. Due to this exclusive approach, we decline more opportunities than we accept.

In return, our partner syndicates benefit from:

  • Risk-free consortium income
  • A high-quality, stable partnership
  • The ability to offer larger line sizes
  • A strengthened negotiating position in the market
  • Reduced reinsurance costs and overall pressure on margins.

In partnership with best-in-class brokers

We work with best-in-class brokers who support our syndicate partner criteria and selection process. The relationships we develop promote our portfolio strategy of:

  • Allowing the flexibility to adapt to market conditions
  • Delivering superior performance throughout the cycle.

In partnership with members and institutional investors

We offer exposure to underwriting opportunities, fully aligned syndicates and/or individual portfolios that private clients and institutional investors would otherwise not be able to access.

Our Portfolio strategy is dynamically adapted and considers mid and long-term trends to deliver quality, stable, risk-adjusted returns through:

  • Balance and diversification
  • The agility to enter or exit classes more quickly
  • Reduced volatility with reference to wider RI market and opportunities.

In partnership with the Lloyd’s market

For the last four decades, Hampden Group has represented and advised clients in the Lloyd’s market, and throughout that time has demonstrated a proven track record of market outperformance.

It’s this experience that provides a unique platform from which HRP Syndicate 2689 can identify, assess and access profitable portfolios underwritten by the top performing syndicates.

Our cost model is accretive to Lloyd’s as consortia leaders’ fees are retained in the Lloyd’s market, as is the business that might otherwise be lost to the company market. Most importantly, our model means we support the best at Lloyd’s and do not compete on price to access risk.